Wednesday, 26 January 2011

My first Blog. The HIEROPHANT.

Welcome to my first blog!! I am thrilled to be able to be finally up & running & I hope to be able to offer a place that is inspiring & interesting.
This card holds powerful spiritual connotations & indicates a spiritual influence threading through into the overall trends of the day.
It is extraordinary how the choice of a card, drawn randomly from the deck can mirror where we are on the daily matrix.
Today, for example, saw me encouraging charitable activities into my life. I felt it important to balance out the business ego with being able to give of myself simply because I could, in the hope that another may benefit from it.
It's all too easy to speak the spiritual babble but we have to be able to walk our talk, sometimes all this stuff about manifesting our material means can consume the desire to give.
Whilst it is good to be focussed on our physical needs it is also important to feed the soul. We can do this by giving & forgiving, thereby liberating ourselves from the dense earth vibrations that hold us in time & space.

I see the Hierophant as the liberater. He follows the physical builder of civilisations, the Emperor. In order to understand the Hierophant we have to understand the  Emperor, who I see as Ishkendar/Alexander.
If one could imagine that our hero, the Emperor, has built his city, organised it's citizens, trade & commerce, land & possessions & power & hierarchy are at the very heart of all of this. Yet it is not sustainable with out being tempered by a higher consciousness.....enter the Hierophant.

The Hierophant can represent that spark of consciousness that comes to the Earth plane to lift humanity to a higher plane of thinking. Over the centuries we have had various emissaries that have visited this plane, all of them have entered at a time that ensured the endurance of the human race by bringing balance & peace at a time of darkness which required enlightenment.

We could call the Hierophant, al - Hakim, ''the wise, the perfectly wise''.A transcendent essence of illuminating vision & pure spiritual knowledge that irridates the the awakened heart with wisdom.

So, we could see the Hierophant as  genius & revelation. Traditional teaching & spiritual doctrine.
 Everything has shadow & he has to consider a need to be the centre of attention, false piety & the inability to spiritualise over negativity, thereby leading to melancholy & megalamania.

''A wise man is a mercy for the two worlds''.    Rumi.